To celebrate our alpha friend Benny the Bear, we made beignets (a pastry made from deep-fried dough) and an ABB pattern with beads.
Our mentor, Mrs. Frohlich, went to New Orleans for a week and brought back beignet mix. That worked out well with who our alpha friend happen to be! :) She also bought a book on New Orleans' version of the gingerbread man story, which was about a cajun cornbread man. In addition, she sent postcards to all the kids. What a great idea! The postcards made the kids feel special and it was a great way to stay connected while Mrs. F. was away. :)
To say bye to our alpha friend Tiggy Tiger, we made tie dye shirts. This was a first for me -- fun! :) We had a very full Friday morning rotating kids between three activities: making beignet mix, beading, and tie dying! Phew!!! We had two helper moms, two interns, our TA, and mentor. We needed these adult hands! :)