Marie and I tag-teamed to introduce -at words to our students. This way the kids get twice the dosage! We focused on these words because our mentor will be doing lessons soon on -at words.
My part was to introduce -at words by reading a book about a fat cat who sat on a mat and writing -at words from the book and not from the book on the whiteboard. The kids took turns giving -at words and writing -at words on the whiteboard.
Afterwards, Marie explained and demostrated to the kids that they will be fishing for -at words and color words. This was her part of the spelling lesson. The kids took turns being fishermen and being the fish. Each fish had different -at words and color words on them. As they caught the fish, they had to read the words. Some read the words correctly while others needed help. The kids had a lot of fun with this activity. :)
For the most part, Marie and I were not surprised at the kids who did not get this spelling lesson. Our top student was struggling reading -at words. This was surprising. Not sure what happened with her. This was just their first taste at -at words in class. They'll get more lessons on them and hopefully -at words will stick on them like glue! :)
For individual work, the students colored in pieces of a mystery puzzle that had pictures of -at words. What's the mystery picture??