Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Literacy Observation - Lyssia

Here is Lyssia...she is generally the first student to finish up with her coloring or project. I have enjoyed watching her work because she finds ways to be efficient. Lyssia is right-handed and has great fine motor skills.

On this video clip (my literacy observation of her), she was the first one to finish gluing the beans to all the letters of her name. Most kids put one dot of glue and then the bean...one dot of glue and then the bean. This way is the long way unless a student is fast. Lyssia put a dot of glue on one entire letter and then the beans. She repeated this until she was done. The other students wondered how she was ahead of them. I suggested that they watch her work. Some copied her style while others continued doing one dot and one bean at a time...we all have our own styles. :)

Since Lyssia finished first, she and I got to roll our names with Play Doh. At first she couldn't get how to roll the Play Doh to make her name. I rolled one "S" with her. She caught on quickly and finished the rest of her name. Goooo, Lyssia! =)
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