This is my fall semester literacy blog for Dr. Seitz's EDEC404 course. I am doing my fall internship in Mrs. Frohlich's kindergarten classroom at Abbott Loop Elementary. (Students without a media release will not be shown on this blog or will be edited from any pictures.)
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Literacy & Technology
Twice a week, we have computer class. The kids have fun learning the alphabet through games, songs, and storybooks from Starfall (.com or .org?).
One of the great parts about computer time is the kids get to decide which games, songs, and stories they want to interact with. They are being exposed to technology, working on literacy, and enhancing their motor skills. I can only imagine what the technology world will be like when these kids are ready to enter the work force.
I remember one teacher saying how we're preparing kids now for an unknown future. When I was in kindergarten (many many many moons ago), who knew I'd be using an iPhone to take notes, email, call, text, take pictures and videos, etc -- all this from a device that fits in the palm of my hand! Stick to the basics! Teach 'em literacy, math, art, science, social studies, and social/emotional skills...and send them off on their journeys!